What C3YoYoDesign say:
The Krown .ws was created by accident during the development phase, and became a 48 mm wide wide metal.
Even with well-established yo-yo models, there are always times when development is underway to update the design. Krown is one such model, and there are several prototypes that have not yet appeared on the stage. This Krown.ws is one of those prototypes that was put into production, because it would have been a shame to leave it in the shadows.
"ws" is an abbreviation for "wide style," and literally, this is a Krown that has become a wide metal throw. The width has gone from 44.5mm to 48mm, and the diameter has also decreased by 1mm. The difference is so noticeable that there is an obvious sense of discomfort when comparing the two in the hand.
In fact, although it's extra wide, the size balance (ratio of diameter to width) and the shape of the edges make this Krown the closest in shape to the original Krown.
The wider Krown makes it easier to hit the string which also makes it easier to handle even for beginners learning their first binds. The light and smooth feeling that was characteristic of the original Krown has been accelerated, making it even more nimble. Adding to the lightness of the yo-yo is the strong torque when returning to the hand.
It is not a yo-yo with overtly strong rotation, but even when the sleep tires out, it still manages to lightly rewind back. That is a very appealing feature.
Diameter: | 55.1 mm |
Width: | 48.02 mm |
Weight: | 64.8 grams |
Bearing Size: | Size C (.250 x .500 x .187) |
Response: | 19mm Slim Pad |
Material: | 6061 Aluminum |