About Us

Welcome in! So glad that you’re here. My name is Luke Roberts, founder of YoYoVillage. I started this store back in 2015 as part of a dream of mine to spread the fun and fantastic hobby that is Yo-Yoing. In that time, we have managed to bring a wide variety of high performance yo-yos from a whole range of manufacturers to the UK market and beyond
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I started yo-yoing back in 1998 at 14 years old. Back then, there was a HUGE world-wide yo-yo craze where absolutely EVERYONE was yo-yoing! We had weekly yo-yo classes, with city, regional and National yo-yo contests, along with yo-yoing being on TV seemingly 24x7! It was a fantastic time to be a yo-yo player. Although the craze faded - the passion I had for yo-yoing stayed strong. I continued to practise and help run Regional and National Yo-Yo Contests here in the UK as a member of the British Yo-Yo Association. Achieving multiple Regional and National Titles, along with top rankings at both the European and World Yo-Yo Contests.
The store started out small - running it firstly from my spare room. We attended small conventions where we could to get yo-yos into people's hands, as well as having regular stalls at all Regional and National Yo-Yo Contests here in the UK. We grew both a store and a fantastic and supportive community over time. |
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Expanding from a spare room, to a garage, to a storage unit and now a whole warehouse (that I currently share with my friend who also runs his own business - Nibula Treats - go check them out!) I am super fortunate to now be able to run YoYoVillage FULL TIME! Something I NEVER imagined I'd be able to achieve. Thankfully we have a fantastic and supportive community and customer base who have helped us achieve this dream - to whom I will be forever grateful. |
Now that this is a full time venture, I've had more time to invest in my passion and dream of spreading the word of yo-yo! We now perform weekly Lives over on TikTok where people can come chat, hang out, ask questions and have fun! It has also enabled the development of this new website, as well as growing our product offering outside of yo-yos and into other Skill Toys such as Kendama and Spin Tops! And this is only just the beginning - we hope you can join us in our continued journey and hope to see you at a yo-yo contest some day! |
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